The Psychology Behind Spring Cleaning

It’s that time of year <3.

Spring is the best season of the year, and it’s here. Luscious flowers have started blooming, the
branches of trees are suddenly growing back their lovely leaves once again, and you’re hit with a
whole lot of beauty that your winter eyes are not accustomed too. Your spirit is revitalized, but
you start to recognize that your home does not reflect that, so you decide that it is time to
declutter your life. This phenomenon is widely known as spring cleaning, and trust me, no
human with a soul is immune.

While winter is essentially the worst season, that only sends people into hibernation mode;
spring is a time of rebirth when you finally get to shed your old skin. In other words, spring is a
breath of fresh air, while winter is a pile of shit. I don’t usually enjoy general statements, but this
is a very spot on assessment. Anyhoo, this sudden contrast (from shit to not-shit) tends to make
people want to turn over a new leaf (pun intended).

spring cleaning flowers

Home is a representation of the self. In winter we are our worst selves, so our homes tend to be
too. Which is why it is only natural that we strive to make our homes best in the spring. You
should never underestimate the power of getting rid of the literal baggage weighing you down in
your home life. Specifically, winter baggage. Organize, and put your winter clothes out of sight.
We only want good energy this spring. Next, be honest with yourself about the things you need
and don’t need in your life.

Just remember while organizing, that any improvements in your home life reverberate into all
the other areas of your life. Which is why throughout this process you have to remind yourself
that not doing this with brutal efficiency means failing yourself in every way imaginable.Spring
cleaning is not the light-hearted and easy going activity that everyone thinks it is. It’s tough, but
it is so worth it when your dancing on the ashes of the person you used to be.

spring cleaning flowers

At the end of the day, getting rid of the stuff you don’t need can have a truly reinvigorating, dare
I say, spring-like quality to it. More than that, it’s just plain satisfying, like scratching an arm
that’s been in a cast for months. Everyone deserves to scratch that psychological itch. More
importantly, everyone should love spring as much as they love themselves. But seriously, don’t
mess this up and ruin your life. (: