I Love Coffee And I’m Not Sorry About It Either

coffee espresso latte

There’s a vast spectrum of love in the known universe, and the purest form it comes in is coffee.
Some people might tell you-you’re wrong to love her (yes, her), but those people are assholes.
I’ll tell you why I unapologetically love coffee…

1. She Smells Good

smell aroma coffee

What do you want to smell in the morning? The right answer to that question is coffee. Honestly,
there’s nothing quite like the aroma of freshly brewed Keurig coffee wafting up my nose first
thing in the morning. Let’s face it, she’s a sweet reminder of why I should even bother to get out
of bed at all.

2. She Keeps Me Focused

coffee focus

I’m not at my best without coffee. Who the hell is? She puts a pep in my step and is able to get
me through the banality of everyday life. More than that, she makes me more motivated to
perform my daily tasks. What more could a person ask for?

3. She Makes Me Smile

smile coffee warm

Apparently smiling makes you live longer, so it would actually be foolish not to love coffee! That,
coupled with the never-ending bliss, makes coffee the perfect lifelong companion. There’s
nothing that she can’t do.

4. She Brings People Together

coffee dogs smile

Apparently smiling makes you live longer, so it would actually be foolish not to love coffee! That,
coupled with the never-ending bliss, makes coffee the perfect lifelong companion. There’s
nothing that she can’t do.

5. She Leaves Me Wanting More

coffee heartbeat life

I like to arrange the order of my day according to when my next cup of coffee will be. It’s nice to
have something wonderful to look forward to, that will drag you right through any slog. The great
thing is I never get sick of coffee! She always leaves me wanting more.