Reaction: Stranger Things Season 3 Trailer

stranger things trailer

stranger things trailer

I love “Stranger Things”. The moment I learned its release was on the Fourth of July (one of my
favorite holidays), I knew I wouldn’t spend it eating hot dogs at a barbecue, or sunbathing at the
beach, or gazing at a magnificent fireworks display. I immediately knew that I’d be watching
“Stranger Things” (maybe while eating barbecue food). The point is, my love for the series
knows no bounds. Which is exactly why I immediately clicked on the season 3 teaser when I
noticed it on YouTube.

But there’s a storyline you have to remember before watching the teaser. Towards the end of
the latest season, Mike Wheeler’s mom, Karen Wheeler, is shown blatantly flirting with Billy. If
you need a refresher, Billy is a teenager who happens to be the same age as Mrs. Wheeler’s
teenage daughter, Nancy. Needless to say, I found their character interaction last season to be
repulsive. Although, I did believe it was supposed to be a really bad attempt at comic relief.
(Someone should probably tell the writers that the Dustin and Steve character duo already does
a spectacular job of that.)

stranger things trailer

But much to my dismay, the Karen and Billy dynamic took center stage in the season 3 teaser.
The results were, well, a bit gross. The clip starts with Mrs. Wheeler and a group of middle-aged
women sitting by a public pool. They seem to be anxious about the female lifeguard leaving,
and become visibly excited watching Billy come to replace her. At this point in the teaser, my
disappointment hit its peak. Billy eventually comes over to talk to Mrs. Wheeler and compliments
her bathing suits. She looks way too self-satisfied with the comment. At this point in the teaser,
my disgust reaches its peak. Other stuff happens in the teaser, like Billy yelling at a kid for
running. But the takeaway is Mrs. Wheeler being gross.

“Stranger Things” is better than this icky storyline. So for the love of everything good and holy,
let’s hope Mrs. Wheeler and Billy don’t actually start having an affair. It’s not funny or remotely
cute, it’s just nauseating. So I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed that I won’t be throwing up a
cheeseburger on one of my favorite holidays of the year.

‘Shrill’ Review: Hulu’s Wonderful New Comedy Demands To Be Seen

hulu shrill comedy

hulu shrill comedy

**some spoilers ahead

Before watching “Shrill” I had high hopes for the new Hulu comedy series featuring Aidy
Bryant, about a woman struggling in a world that treats overweight and obese women
as less than. Unsurprisingly, the series exceeded my expectations. If you watch SNL,
which the extremely talented Bryant currently stars in, then you won’t be too surprised

Bryant proves herself to be a versatile actor. While she’s great at performing the
comedic aspects of her role, she also shines in the series more dramatic moments. One
moment that stands out in my mind is when her asshole boss, Gabe, scolds her for not
showing up to “forced fun” on time. Forced fun is a new initiative to get his employees
into better physical shape.

While he’s talking at her, he tells her, “Lazy bodies, lazy
minds.” At this point I’m fuming and so is Annie. This is one of the many timed people
make pointed comments about her weight. She goes home to the best roommate ever, Fran,
and gives a speech about all the bullsh*t she’s had to endure her whole life.
Annie’s anger and sadness are keenly felt by the audience in this scene (and many
others) because there is nothing Aidy Bryant can’t do.

hulu shrill comedy
My face each time Ryan shows up on screen.

Someone who really got under my skin was Annie’s main love interest, Ryan. I’m
surprised this guy has survived life for as long as he has because he is utterly clueless
and self-centered. He NEVER considers Annie’s feelings, ever. Whenever he does
something nice it is immediately followed by something upsettingly shitty. At the
beginning of the season, he covers up his and Annie’s relationship by having her leave
his house through the back. He somehow forgets to mention that he has a child with
another woman. He also doesn’t remember to bring up that he’s been sleeping with
another woman. What a gem?

Despite all that bullshit, and so much more, Annie keeps taking him back. “Why?!?!?” I
kept internally screaming throughout the duration of the show. Her best-friend, Fran,
seems to be done too. She even goes as far as instituting a no-Ryan policy. In other words,
no more talking or speaking about Ryan! But does Annie listen? No, of course

Does she deserve better? Absolutely. But the core of why she continues her
mind-boggling relationship is that this is what she believes she deserves. Anytime Ryan
or anyone else does something remotely nice for Annie she exclaims, “That’s so nice!”
But the truth is that most of the time the comment or action wasn’t nice, it was actually
just common decency. Like, when Ryan actually starts taking an interest in Annie’s
career for the first time, he finally compliments her. This is when she gives her usual
happily surprised response of “That’s nice.” It’s not that nice, and she should stop
settling for Ryan.

Annie should start settling for Lamar, Fran’s brother. He is a million
times better than Ryan in every way. But living in another country makes forming a
relationship impossible, which is truly a shame. He is so much better than Ryan that
Fran isn’t bothered when she finds out they hooked up.

hulu shrill comedy
Me thinking about Annie and Lamar.

Ryan is a waste of space, but I believe his true function in the show is to serve as
character development for Annie. If she figured out her whole life by the end of season
1, there wouldn’t be any need for season 2. And trust me, there must be a season 2.
Annie starts the series as a woman who tries to please others, so the world might finally
be a bit more kind to her.

This season was all about shedding that attitude, and for Annie to gain some much-needed confidence.
This new outlook culminates in her finally confronting her troll in the best scene of the entire
series. I don’t want to give too much away on what happens. But one thing is crystal clear, Annie
isn’t the same girl that we met at the beginning of the series.

**Click here check out the trailer.

An Intern’s Thoughts on The Game of Thrones S8 Trailer

game of thrones

game of thrones

**Spoilers Ahead

Thank you to whoever put together the fantastic, final “Game of Thrones” trailer. Right now the
trailer has 33 million views, and that number is only growing. That’s a big deal for a TV series.
You could argue that the trailer’s success is due to the show’s widespread popularity. You’d be
f*cking wrong. There’s one simple reason: Arya Stark. She’s the true hero of this trailer.

Let me tell you, I was screaming when the first thing to pop on my screen was a clip of Arya
Stark looking scared in a corridor. As a rational person, I started nervously laughing while
contemplating the fate of everyone in Westeros. She also starts running away from something
that seems to genuinely scare her, which is odd, considering that she definitely has the skill-set
to kill any white walker. So maybe the corpses in the Winterfell crypts get reanimated? That’s a
creepy thought, considering her father is buried down there, which is definitely something that
would put that horrified look on her face. Or maybe the Night King is after her? But he just
doesn’t seem like the running type, cause he took down poor Viserion without breaking a sweat.

But then I started thinking… what if Arya is the princess who was promised (the badass who
ends the long night & demolishes the army of the dead)? If you were to go on Reddit right now,
you would see a million well thought out theories of who the prince/princess could be. The
consensus seems to be Jon Snow or Daenerys, which is a little too expected in my opinion. So
let us start thinking of Arya as a possibility… She was part of a death worshiping assassin cult,
so stranger things have definitely happened. The trailer also spends a lot of time with her, but
this could be a red herring.

game of thrones

Or it could be Jaime Lannister. Last season he abandoned his sister (and their incestuous
relationship) for the noble cause of trying to save the world. A small part of me was worried he’d
chicken out and go back to Cersei. But he seems all about fighting for the living in the
long-awaited trailer. But seriously, good for Jaimie for leaving Cersei. As if being extremely
related wasn’t enough, she’s a capricious ruler who would rather see the world burn than give
up her crown. So it wasn’t exactly a healthy relationship for obvious reasons. Jaime has
undergone some of the most serious character changes in the show. A lot of viewers are
conflicted about his character, considering that he has done some exceedingly disturbing stuff in
the past. But like I said, GOT is the kind of show to subvert expectations.

And good god, there’s Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow Targaryen. Yep, Jon Targaryen (or
Aegon Targaryen). My heart goes out to these two, and the complicated issue of Jon’s real
name! They fell in love… little did they know they’re related. Yep, Daenerys is Jon’s aunt. If that
doesn’t throw a wrench in the relationship, I don’t know what will. The trailer doesn’t give much
away — like whether or not they find about their unwittingly incestuous relationship. Side note —
this show has A LOT of incest, maybe too much. That reveal will be super fun to watch. But,
Daenerys should probably be more concerned with Cersei, who looks a little too happy when
she’s briefly shown sipping wine in the trailer. You also get a flash of what appears to be the

army she bought last season, so that doesn’t bode well. I’m even more concerned when I think
about the fact that Daenerys has already lost a dragon (hopefully she won’t lose another), and
that she’ll probably lose a good chunk of her forces when fighting the army of the dead. So
yeah, I wouldn’t be so shocked if Cersei wins the throne at this point because the heroes of this
show always seem to meet more grim endings. I’m looking at you, Ned Stark.

game of thrones

Sansa is barely shown in the trailer, but you do get to see her react in awe to witnessing
Daenerys’s dragons for the first time. Tyrion’s possibly distraught face is also briefly shown in
the trailer, as is Gendry, who looks to be making weapons to face the army of the dead. It also
shows that Tormund and Dolorous Edd somehow survived the collapse of the wall! HOW?!?!
Grey Worm and Missandei are also shown passionately kissing. Which, is nice to see amongst
all the horror. There’s also a notable lack of Greyjoys in the trailer, which makes me wonder
what the heck is going on with them.

Comedy is a Marketing Essential

comedy marketing advertising
comedy marketing advertising
what’s the deal with airplane food?

People are exposed to more marketing campaigns than they are aware of. It has never
been easier to advertise to people in the age of internet obsession and social media. According
to Forbes, the average person sees 4,000 to 10,000 advertisements a day. That’s a lot of
different marketers trying to leave an imprint of their product/service in the minds of consumers.

So the question is, how is anyone supposed to successfully market in an age where we are
constantly exposed to marketing campaigns? The answer is comedy. Sorry, just kidding.
BUT it does help to leave an impression on consumers whose attention span is being squashed
to the size of a pea from the sheer weight of the internet.

comedy marketing advertising
new yorkkkkk something something dreams are made of…

I know a good amount of people who watch the Superbowl every year. I’d estimate a good 70%
watch for the actual game and a solid 30% watch for commercials alone. You wanna know
why? Because those commercials are insane. Almost none of them have anything to do with the
actual product being marketed, yet, they are fun to watch. It’s been years since the Budweiser
Superbowl commercial with the puppy and the horse came out, and I’m convinced I’ll remember
it till the day I die. Try to say that commercial’s not precious, I DARE YOU!

My point is when something is precious enough or funny enough (or a winning combination of
the two), people will remember. But what’s more important is that people generally want to be
entertained, but you have to snatch their attention away from all the other ads floating around in
order to do that. You also have to maintain that attention. Humor is a great tool to use to grab
consumers attention, and if the ad created is funny enough it will stay in the consumer’s mind
long after they’ve watched it.

Want to see what we mean? Click here!

6 Comedy Series You Should Stream This Weekend

comedy streaming netflix

comedy streaming netflix

God bless the golden age of television! But sometimes it can feel impossible to make a choice
of what to watch in an endless sea of options. Here is a list of what I believe to be the best ones
across Netflix, Hulu, HBO Go, and Amazon Prime…


1. The Office (US)

office streaming netflix

Obviously, The Office was gonna make it on this list. If you haven’t even attempted to watch it
yet, then do yourself a favor and watch it. This is the most delightfully cringy show of all time.
Steve Carell leads a great cast of memorable characters as the best worst boss, Michael Scott.
It might not sound like it, but watching the characters deal with the banality of everyday life is a
true joy in this workplace comedy.
Stream On: Netflix


2. The Marvelous Mrs.Maisel

This show is an awards darling, and rightfully so. This comedy series hails from the creator of
Gilmore Girls so what did anyone really expect? It centers around a woman whose life is turned
upside down in the ‘50s when her husband decides to leave her for his secretary. In the
process, she discovers her innate ability for comedy and hilarity ensues. One of the best parts
of the show is when the lead, Midge, is interacting with family and friends. But, ultimately, the
best part is seeing Midge’s rightful rise to stardom.
Stream On: Amazon Prime


3. Bojack Horseman

bojack horseman stream netflix

Goodness, gracious! If you thought you’d never encounter an animated show dripping with
humor, while the lead character/horse deals with depression and addiction, my dear think again.
This show is perhaps the most unique gem on this list (or any) and the fact that it somehow only
grows smarter every season is a delight. There are no surface level characters on this show,
everyone becomes deeply three dimensional and has their own issues. Every year after I binge
another new season (seriously, I can’t help it) I’m always left wanting more. That’s the true
curse of watching this show, also the grim aftertaste it frequently leaves behind.
Stream On: Netflix


4. Parks and Recreation

parks and recreation stream netflix

Amy. Poehler. Need I say more? Well, there’s also the rest of the brilliant cast if that wasn’t
enough for you. This show definitely has some of The Office vibes. They’re both workplace
comedies with impeccable humor. However, Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler’s character) is
definitely the better boss. Sorry, not sorry, Michael!
Stream On: Netflix, Hulu


5. Barry

barry stream hbo

Much like Bojack, this comedy show is not afraid of the dark, it thrives on it. This is what makes
it special as well… in its own way. Bill Hader stars as Barry, a former soldier and current
assassin, who wants to pursue a career in acting above all else. When he tries his old life is
bound to come knocking on his door again, but it is fun watching him TRY to navigate a normal
Stream On: HBO GO


6. The Good Place

good place stream netflix

I’m starting to sense a pattern… Another great comedy show, another great cast. Before
watching this show I wondered how it would be able to handle the fantastical element of its
location, the afterlife. The premise is based on a woman’s journey in ‘the good place’ after she
dies, but soon realizes that she is not supposed to be there (and should most likely be in hell).
What happens after that is definitely better than anything my imagination could concoct. Every
season deals with something fresh and unexpected. Just when you think this show will zig it
zags. I can’t highlight enough that any new viewer should avoid spoilers at all costs before
watching because the payoff will be spectacular.
Stream on: Netflix, Hulu

‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’ Season 2: Breezy, Quick, and Still Great

Rachel Brosnahan via Flickr.

*** Spoilers ahead

I don’t know where you’ve been if you haven’t at least heard of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel,
which premiered last year and garnered six Emmy nominations in its impressive freshmen run.
The show centers around a 50s housewife, Midge, realizing her gift for stand-up comedy after her
husband leaves her for another woman. The second season largely retains much of what made
the first season such a hit.

The show is as quick-witted and fast-paced as ever. In the season premiere, the show is taken
away to Paris in an unexpected move. Midge goes along to Paris with Abe when he realizes
that poor Rose left New York to go find her place in the world (despite explicitly telling him that
she would). Along the way, Midge unsurprisingly finds a bar where she delivers one of her best
spontaneous stream of consciousness stand-ups, one that becomes a little disorienting the
faster she talks, coupled with the translator whose rushing alongside her. During her impromptu
set, we finally get to flashback to Joel’s reaction of Midge’s stand-up. In a devastating scene, we
see Joel hand over his wedding ring and explains that maybe this wouldn’t bother another
man. To which I screamed, YEAH, A better man! In a season that focuses slightly less on Joel
(thankfully), we first encounter the underlying question of the second season: Can a person
really have it all?

The answer is seemingly no. In episode 7 Midge meets a famous painter (that her new boo,
Benjamin admires) who never sells his work. After Benjamin goes to take a call while they’re at
the artist’s place, the artist shows Midge a secret room where he keeps his best painting. The
camera lingers only on Midge’s face and the artist’s when the painting is revealed, never
exposing the work of art. The artist, Howell, goes on to explain that he painted it for himself and
that he was always waiting to build a family so he could hang it in his own home. Now he
realizes he can never find himself a home because everything he had, he put into creating the
painting. The moral of the story being that you can’t have everything (like a sense of home) if
you want something great. This is a tad dark for a show that likes to keep things light in the face
of its more serious issues. Without giving away the sad-ish finale of season 2, it does show the
question of being able to have it all is something that is still very much on Midge’s mind.

Wanna know the true gem this season? The sexism. At a gig in episode 2, the male comics all
assume Midge got it by sleeping with Lenny Bruce (who is actually a gem). The disrespect
continues when she gets kicked to the last slot of the night. By the time Midge goes on she’s
sweaty, smelly, and has a huge mustard stain on her dress. Obviously, that doesn’t stop her
from killing her set and simultaneously calling out the male comics who stuck around for the
possibility of watching a comedienne fail. Here’s a tip to any like-minded assholes out there: DO
NOT mess with Miriam Maisel, she will demolish you in front of a crowd of people while they
laugh at your pain. Which will honestly be a little too much fun to see. Throughout the second
season, people continually underestimate Midge and think she is too pretty to do stand-up, so a
lot of the time she gets mistaken for a singer. Sexism is strange.

Alex Borstein via Flickr.

Susie remains one of the best characters of the show, delivering the best lines and being part of
the greatest storylines. It’s no shock that actress Alex Borstein won an Emmy for playing her in
season 1, but it would be strange if that was her last win for this show because she is
phenomenal. Watching her navigate life in the Catskills is reason enough to watch. Plus,
watching her handle two goons who are meant to murder her, and becoming friends in the
process is definitely a highlight of the entire series. The more that Susie interacts with various
characters of the show that she didn’t get a chance to in season 1, the better the show gets.
She also continually pokes fun at the fact that Midge’s family is still unaware of her career. At
one point she says, “I mean this with all due respect. Your parents are fucking idiots.” Midge’s
secret does become tiresome and is a big relief to the viewer once it is revealed.

Meanwhile, Joel remains the worst person on the show. He grapples with being able to find
forgiveness or redemption. BUT I DON’T CARE. I’m really done with him. If you feel the need to
roll your eyes every time Joel’s on screen, I’m right there with you pal. All of his problems would
be solved if he just took Midge back, making it hard to have much sympathy for him. Although,
Midge would obviously be better off without him. But this is all he would have to do to improve
his life: 1) Stop being an idiot; 2) Be with the woman you love; 3) Do that despite the fact that
she’s good at something you suck at. That’s it. That all. Yet he’d have to complete step 1 first,
and after two seasons of watching Joel, it feels more likely that he’ll grow wings and fly away.
Which doesn’t sound too bad now that I think about it.

birds flying joel
via Flickr.

Overall, the second season was a fun and wild ride with an ending that puts a slightly bad taste
in your mouth. Though, not to the point that it undoes all the great episodes before it. The
supporting characters become more three dimensional this season, while also maintaining the
aspects of what made season 1 such a hit. Susie and Midge’s dynamic remains the backbone
and gold mine of the series. The only issue I have is that Midge’s journey to comedy stardom
isn’t as front and center as I would like it to be. Too often throughout season 2 does it get
pushed aside for something else much to Susie’s dismay (and mine), like the trip to the Catskills
about halfway through season 2. C’mon Midge, recognize that Susie needs you to work
because she needs money for a little silly thing, like survival. My other issue with season 2:
anything involving Joel. That’s it, the show is generally great.

Wanna know what else is great? SKITtish Media. Using our vast web of comedians,
writers, and actors we produce content that will garner more social media views faster
than Mrs. Maisel could talk.

Marketing A Bad Product Can Be Tough, But With The Right Know-How, You Can Sell Anything

Market Product Sales

How To Market A Terrible Product

In the fast-paced world of advertising, big agencies are quick to take on projects from big-name companies. These companies offer the fastest, newest, sleekest, or just flat out coolest products in their market. This helps make an ad agency’s job easier because selling something so good is often a very simple thing to do. But what about the smaller firms that take on projects from companies with products that aren’t so great? What about companies that have to market their own not-so-good goods?

Marketing Bad Product Sell
Wine enthusiasts being enthusiastic about wine.

Recently, I worked at a food and wine expo as a wine pourer and was assigned a booth at the far end of the hall. Naturally, I was inclined to try the wines I was promoting and after taking sips from each of the brand’s wines, I realized that this was probably the worst wine I’d ever had. Let me remind you I am a broke college kid so I’ve had my fair share of cheap wines, but this brand’s wines were just terrible. The wines were sweet with weird flavors like chocolate and cherry that just didn’t mix well with the grape base of the wine. Their Cabernet was sweeter than others which I’m sure would make wine snobs spit it out not just into the spit bucket, but at my face for even thinking of offering it to them. This overly sweet concoction wasn’t a product of California or France, but rather came from your great grandmother’s homeland of Ukraine. Move over nuclear waste, Ukraine has a new export and its sweet wines. Unfortunately, the winemaker couldn’t make it to the event, so he left it up to me to market his wine for him. So how was I able to get distributors and people to try horrible wines and potentially buy it later? I’ll explain.


As I stated above, I tried the wines, not just because I’m a college kid looking to get drunk on a Monday, but because I wanted to understand the wines’ tastes. Their sweet tastes reminded me of dessert wines, but not the good kinds. So whenever people walked past my booth I’d offer them to taste some dessert wines. Then, after finding out that the wines came from Ukraine, I said it was a dessert wine from Ukraine which gave it a, dare I say it, exotic flare. After each person tried the wines, I asked what they thought of it, and gathered information from what each wine snob had to say. It was almost like a focus group, but with a bunch of tipsy old people.  All the information I collected helped me sound more knowledgeable and gave me a certain sense of credibility. The information I gave may have helped shape alcohol distributors and people’s opinions on buying the wines because it sounded so professional.


Now most of us college kids working at the expo were only doing this to eat, drink, and get paid. Something like that is a recipe for unenthusiastic kids who just pour wine and spout gibberish they made up about the wines to patrons. Lucky for those kids, people didn’t care about their presentation because their wines’ fame did all the talking for them. Because the brand of wine I was dealing with was lesser known than the others, I had to bring people to me and hype it up. I made sure to smile and say hello to everyone who stopped by the booth. I would offer those who rubbernecked at my booth a chance to try a sweet dessert wine from the far away land of Ukraine. This usually caught their attention and when they approached, I’d explain which products people liked the best or would give “my own opinion” on the different wines. I made sure to pour the wine the correct way and serve certain wines chilled so that the taste could be a little bit more palatable. If a person didn’t like it, I would ask for their opinion on the wine and say, “thank you, have a nice day.” Later in the day, I had the idea to set up the show bottles in a semicircle, giving the wines an illusion of luxury. It worked for the most part because no other person set up their show bottles like that, and it caught the attention of the customers. If your product isn’t so special, you need to reposition it so that it sticks out to the consumers as something special.

Product Design

Probably one of the most important factors when trying to sell a product is its design. The shape, color, and size of a product can cost you profit if it doesn’t appeal to consumers. Most of the bigger wine brands had wine bottles with beautifully designed labels. The bottles’ glasses and shapes also helped them stand out from among the rest of the smaller brands who couldn’t afford such luxuries for their bottles. Some of my bottles had an interesting shape while others were very generic. The labels on the bottles, however, were not attractive. The label’s pictures were very overwhelming and the brand’s name was almost hidden amongst it. One old man criticized a different bottle’s label saying it looked like a tombstone.  Luckily, the bottles in the back had little labels you could put around the neck of the bottle that said which flavor it was. I put these on the show bottles so that people passing by could see the flavor of the wine more clearly. As I overheard more and more people saying to whoever they were with the flavor name and walking over to try it out, I knew I had done something right with a wine that tasted oh so wrong.

Missed our last blog? Don’t worry. You can catch it here.

Deadpool 2 Cable And Domino Reveal

Deadpool 2 Reveals Cable And Domino

Deadpool and Cable
Deadpool and Cable

Deadpool 2 is on its way. Deadpool became an instant hit with audiences from the leaked footage to the movie’s release. Ryan Reynolds plays the “Merc with a Mouth.” Now if you have not seen Deadpool, you are in for a treat. Deadpool is no traditional superhero movie. It has as many genres blended as Wade Wilson has mixed personalities. A dollop of drama a ton of comedy and adventure and lots and lots of action. Did I mention there is violence? It may not be a genre but there is a lot of blood and gore, would not consider it ultraviolent, but it makes sense why it was given an R rating for violence alone.

The after credits of Deadpool teased the possibility of Cable joining him in the sequel. Cable is a known primarily from his association with the X-Force, a group of X-Men mutants. 

Cable Deadpool 2
Cable Deadpool 2

The new movie casted Josh Brolin as Cable. Josh Brolin has the right look as the character and fans are eager to see his performance in the upcoming movie. Most Cable stories are similar to terminator movies. Not because of his metal arm, rather, it is the time traveling. Cable’s main nemesis is’ Stryfe’ his evil twin brother.

Additionally they casted Zazie Beats as Domino. Like Deadpool, Domino was bred to be the perfect weapon. Her power can manipulate luck. If Domino was being shot at, and she slightly moved she would dodge the bullets. She has a telepathic force around her increasing her luck but giving people around her bad luck. Zazie Beats is best known for her performance on Donald Glover’s Atlanta. Her costume design in the upcoming movie is a new

Domino Deadpool 2
Domino Deadpool 2

take on the classic Domino outfit. She traditionally has pale bleach skin with a black blotch tattooed around her eye. The movie costume is a tight leather black costume and a white blotch tattooed around her eye. The costume design looks great and provides a convenience for the actress (not having to have her body fully painted like Zoe Saldana’s Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy).


Check out the Deadpool 2 Teaser Trailer here.


Want to read more? Check out our blog at

LEGO Minifigures Selling For Hundreds Of Dollars?

Free LEGO Minifigures Selling For Hundreds of Dollars?

LEGO are among the most iconic toy brands of all time. They have some of the top licensing including, Disney, Star Wars, Marvel, DC Comics, Ferrari, Porsche and many more. The Iconic building blocks are loved by all ages. kids, parents, teens and collectors get excited when they see the new LEGO sets and the LEGO minifigures the come with.

lego minifigures
Lego Marvel Superheros

Many LEGO enthusiasts collect the minifigures. Many LEGO youtube channels review these figures in details. The design of the face, torso and leg printing are always taken account when analysing the figures. Some figures have unique sculpts for their character. However LEGO is very resourceful when it comes to their inventory. They do not let their pieces go to waste. The reuse their pieces by repurposing them. From a child’s perspective these differences are hardly noticeable. To a collector the slight variants make a world of difference.

LEGO figures have a wide range of value. Depending on how many times the figure appears in sets and how much the set costs are also crucial. If a common Batman figure appears in nearly every DC LEGO set it may not be worth all that much. However, a Heath Ledger Joker minifigure is only available in one set (76023) The Tumbler. As such the figure sells anywhere from thirty dollars and up. Some sell closer to fifty.

lego minifigure
Batman Zur En Arrh

However the most sought after figures do not appear in any LEGO sets at all. There is only one place to get them. San Diego Comic Con. Every year at San Diego Comic Con LEGO gives away two exclusive minifigures. One for Marvel and one for DC. Past years they had some cool exclusives such as a Hydra Captain America or a Zur En Arrh Batman.

This year they showed off the LEGO Vixen figure, a DC character they chose to help promote their television show DC Legends. The Marvel exclusive was more of a mystery.

Marvel’s exclusive was Deadpool Duck. To get the LEGO figure, you would have to get in the convention center as early as possible. Then line up hours before they give away the figure. Even at that rate, the odds are 2 to 3 so there are no guarantees. Now the figures go for an absurd amount of money on ebay. If you want to cop an exclusive LEGO figure you’re probably better off trying your luck in SDCC 2018.

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Will Batfleck Save The DC Universe?

Can Ben Affleck Save the DCU

Batman Affleck, I Meant Ben Affleck… I Meant Batman! May Be The Hero To Save The DCU!!!

Ben Affleck has donned the role as Batman, making his first appearance in Zach Snyder’s ‘Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice.’ The movie was blasted by the critics and many viewers were heavily disappointed by the movie. Yet tons of fans were thrilled. Nonetheless, nearly everyone was blown away by Affleck’s portrayal as the Dark Knight.


Affleck’s second appearance as the current Batman was in the summer blockbuster ‘The Suicide Squad.’ His screen time was a brief cameo scene and an after credits teaser for ‘The Justice League.’

Rumors have been blowing up the internet about Affleck’s future as the Batman. Many speculated that Affleck was unhappy with the role. Rumors have gone as far as to suggest DC plans to kill Batman off, perhaps with a final crisis to avoid continuities issues.

Sad Ben Affleck
Contemplating life

At the Justice League Panel this past Saturday at San Diego Comic Con, Affleck was confronted with the rumor.  He reassured everyone that the rumors were false and  complete nonsense. Additionally, Affleck spoke passionately how much he loves his role as Batman.

How Crucial Is Affleck’s Role In The Bigger Picture?

Taking a step back, the DCU (DC Universe) is at a state of uncertainty. While it is nearly impossible to keep up with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC has been trying their best. Their last release, ‘Wonder Woman’ was a huge summer hit. The movie was loved by fans and critics alike. Marvel has been building their character roster gradually over many movies and building up more fans craving more stories. DC is trying their best to keep up and the ‘Justice League’ may strengthen the DCU.

The Batman
The Batman

Back to Batman!! In the upcoming movie ‘Justice League’ Batman is the one to assemble the team of heroes. Can Batman be the backbone of the DCU? Or is the entire franchise going to crash and burn? I am not saying that the fate of which is dependent on Affleck. I am saying that Batman is the hero we need. No powers, just time energy and a good will. The fight goes on. One man is faced up against an ultimate super power so great. You can’t help to root for him. Batman? No. I am talking about Ben Affleck.

Fans Are Excited For The Future Of The DC Cinematic Universe And Ben Affleck Is Right There With Them.

Messing Around on the JL set
Messing Around on the JL set


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