How To Ace Your Next Job Interview

job interview success

There’s so much stress surrounding job searches, but the most anxiety-inducing aspect are job
interviews. Nothing strikes fear in the heart like possible rejection. Here are the steps you can
take to woo your interviewer.

1. Disregard Classic Wardrobe Etiquette

wardrobe interview job

I guarantee you that everyone else interviewed for the job will be wearing what’s expected of
them. So I ask, do you want to be a mindless sheep or display your own individuality? Why not
throw on your favorite t-shirt and your most comfortable pair of sweatpants? Now that’s a real
power move. Some might call you lazy, but I’d applaud you, and so would any interviewer with
good sense. You don’t have to necessarily dress casually to grab the interviewers attention. You
could dress overly formal, this way you’ll leave a big impression! Either way, it shows that you
don’t mind bending workplace standards! And what boss doesn’t want to hire a person with a
strong disregard for the rules?

2. Do NOT Mentally Prepare Yourself

interview job success

If you wanna keep things fresh and natural than you better not seem like you actually came over
prepared. Nobody likes a kiss-ass or over-achievers! Remember, the worst possible thing you
can do is prepare yourself for questions that might be asked. They might actually think you care
too much if you start giving well thought out replies. Trust me, this method works! Never say my
advice hasn’t helped you when you land your dream job!

3. Turn Every Question Back Around To The Interviewer

job success interview comedy

Well, not every single one (I just enjoy hyperbole), I’d say everyone that you don’t immediately
have a good answer too. The interviewer will not see through this tactic! They’ll just be blown
away by their perceived thoughtfulness of you. This is a classic win-win solution. I promise,
they’ll never suspect you. But on the small chance they do, you can always accuse them of
being overly cynical. Yes, it’s always a good idea to attack the personality of the interviewer
when things aren’t going your way. It shows that you’re not a person that can be messed with.

4. Get The Hell Out Of There ASAP

job success interview comedy

Short, sweet, simple! These are the three words you need to live by in a job interview. As soon
as the interviewer is done asking questions, make sure you don’t have any you’d like to ask in
return! Don’t ask about job growth or the organization’s culture. That is boring, and boredom is
death. No one wants an employee that cares too much. The most important thing to do is to
rush out as soon as the tirade of questions is over. It will show that you’re not a time waster
while ensuring that you’re a stand-out from the rest of the competition.