6 Comedy Series You Should Stream This Weekend

comedy streaming netflix

God bless the golden age of television! But sometimes it can feel impossible to make a choice
of what to watch in an endless sea of options. Here is a list of what I believe to be the best ones
across Netflix, Hulu, HBO Go, and Amazon Prime…


1. The Office (US)

office streaming netflix

Obviously, The Office was gonna make it on this list. If you haven’t even attempted to watch it
yet, then do yourself a favor and watch it. This is the most delightfully cringy show of all time.
Steve Carell leads a great cast of memorable characters as the best worst boss, Michael Scott.
It might not sound like it, but watching the characters deal with the banality of everyday life is a
true joy in this workplace comedy.
Stream On: Netflix


2. The Marvelous Mrs.Maisel

This show is an awards darling, and rightfully so. This comedy series hails from the creator of
Gilmore Girls so what did anyone really expect? It centers around a woman whose life is turned
upside down in the ‘50s when her husband decides to leave her for his secretary. In the
process, she discovers her innate ability for comedy and hilarity ensues. One of the best parts
of the show is when the lead, Midge, is interacting with family and friends. But, ultimately, the
best part is seeing Midge’s rightful rise to stardom.
Stream On: Amazon Prime


3. Bojack Horseman

bojack horseman stream netflix

Goodness, gracious! If you thought you’d never encounter an animated show dripping with
humor, while the lead character/horse deals with depression and addiction, my dear think again.
This show is perhaps the most unique gem on this list (or any) and the fact that it somehow only
grows smarter every season is a delight. There are no surface level characters on this show,
everyone becomes deeply three dimensional and has their own issues. Every year after I binge
another new season (seriously, I can’t help it) I’m always left wanting more. That’s the true
curse of watching this show, also the grim aftertaste it frequently leaves behind.
Stream On: Netflix


4. Parks and Recreation

parks and recreation stream netflix

Amy. Poehler. Need I say more? Well, there’s also the rest of the brilliant cast if that wasn’t
enough for you. This show definitely has some of The Office vibes. They’re both workplace
comedies with impeccable humor. However, Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler’s character) is
definitely the better boss. Sorry, not sorry, Michael!
Stream On: Netflix, Hulu


5. Barry

barry stream hbo

Much like Bojack, this comedy show is not afraid of the dark, it thrives on it. This is what makes
it special as well… in its own way. Bill Hader stars as Barry, a former soldier and current
assassin, who wants to pursue a career in acting above all else. When he tries his old life is
bound to come knocking on his door again, but it is fun watching him TRY to navigate a normal
Stream On: HBO GO


6. The Good Place

good place stream netflix

I’m starting to sense a pattern… Another great comedy show, another great cast. Before
watching this show I wondered how it would be able to handle the fantastical element of its
location, the afterlife. The premise is based on a woman’s journey in ‘the good place’ after she
dies, but soon realizes that she is not supposed to be there (and should most likely be in hell).
What happens after that is definitely better than anything my imagination could concoct. Every
season deals with something fresh and unexpected. Just when you think this show will zig it
zags. I can’t highlight enough that any new viewer should avoid spoilers at all costs before
watching because the payoff will be spectacular.
Stream on: Netflix, Hulu