BMX Bikes Are a Thing of the Past; Children Bike-Racing is so Much Cooler

While my personal convictions of BMX Bikes may be slanted, there is nothing more adorable than children trying to ride bikes.

A spokeswoman on a Viagra commercil
Girls, it’s not always about you. Make Viagra commercials realistic again.

If you own a BMX bike, all that tells me is that you’re too reckless to get a driver’s license. I don’t care if there is some absurd fact about them like “Did you know that BMX biking helps prevent prostate cancer?” BMX should have come and gone, just like David Spade’s acting career.

While I find BMX biking a thing of the past, the little children in this video, who are having a semi-real BMX race, are the cutest thing I’ve seen since the triplets laughing simultaneously video. How sad is it, though, that the child didn’t finish the race? He lost because he decided to turn around at the very end. This would be a great concept for Viagra or Cialis. The Logline? “Don’t forget to finish.”

Okay, maybe having children in a Viagra commercial may seem a little problematic, but this idea can be implemented using animals to race, or even a classic motorcycle race. Realistically, if this were a motorcycle race, then one of the bikes could run out of gas right at the very end, instead of cluelessly turning around as the child does.

BMX biker doing a trick
You can do that too, if you just believe.

People are tired of seeing the same old commercials of the elderly couple living their happy lives after taking erection pills. Rather than portraying Viagra or Cialis as the cause for endless happiness, brands should try to express a more sympathetic tone. Irrespective of happiness, all men want to be able to do is finish. Whether it’s erectile dysfunction, or just not being the same as you once were, the ad should convey four hours of nothing but your eye on the goal. The finish-line. Not happiness, not a loving spouse, but the ability to finish.




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